Labour’s first Budget

Jack Richards gives an overview of the investment themes expected in Labour’s 2024 Autumn Budget.

Jack Richards

27 Sep 2024

Blue, red, yellow and green paper boats in dark water.

Labour’s much awaited first Budget is now just a matter of weeks away with the Chancellor of the Exchequer due to deliver this on 30 October.

Much of the speculation in the build-up has related to potential tax changes that the Chancellor may announce. In this article, we’re not making any comments relating to tax advice (we’ll leave that to the tax specialists) but instead, we’ve set out some thoughts relating to potential investment-related themes.

Read our full article below for more details on:

  • Why the Budget is expected to be an insignificant event in a global context
  • Expected tax increases
  • Potential increase in Government borrowing

If you have any questions or would like to find out more, please get in touch.