Integrated CRP package

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Our offering

Our integrated Centralised Retirement Proposition (CRP) package consists of three areas of service:

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    Robust & resilient model portfolios

    • Appropriate for pre-and-post retirement, offering attractive outcomes, simplicity and consistency in the advice.
    • Available across all the risk-grades, offering clear alignment with different clients’ risk-appetites.
    • Attractive long-term returns alongside predictability, through combining a diverse range of capital growth and income generating assets.
    • Stress-tested against 1000’s of future economic scenarios using our institutional Economic Scenario Service (ESS) modelling, to identify the most resilient portfolios for any given level of risk.
    • Institutional buying power employed to drive down costs, aiding long-term client outcomes.
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    CRP support and communications

    • Portfolio commentary, which assists advisers in addressing common behavioural challenges and managing potential foreseeable harm.
    • Regulatory documentation, including target market definition, testing and suitability text, and consumer duty documentation, including ongoing assessment of value.
    • Ongoing access to our investment and retirement experts.
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    Integrated advice tools

    Our Sustainable Income Tool (SIT) consists of:

    • High quality data, allowing you to evidence delivery of personalised sustainable income recommendations.
    • Street level longevity data covering 1 in 4 UK DB scheme members (well aligned to advised client demographic).
    • Portfolio specific projections, employing our institutional ESS, allowing you to evidence use of appropriate return.
    • SIT is simple and intuitive, making adoption into the advice process straightforward and efficient when delivering to multiple segments of your client bank.
    • Clear visual outputs to support you in enhancing consumer understanding of key considerations and ranges of potential outcomes.